Welcome to the Official blog for artist Lisa Little. Take a look at my gallery, journal, and events for updates. Enjoy!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Indiegogo Campain

A line of events inspired me to start my own Indiegogo fundraiser campaign. The first being the viral Potato Salad campaign on Kickstarter.  Potato salad? Really?!! But then a good friend of mine started talking about HIS campaign on Indiegogo for a platform that supports the kindness movement and raises funds for grassroot projects & charities. You can find his campaign here : ARK : Changing the World Through Kindness
 Really awesome!


Anyhow, it got my wheels turning. MAYBE I.... could make a campaign or two! Eventually I want to make a campaign to help lift off my art business, but I thought I'd start with a smaller campaign to help generate new art supplies; including: oil paints, supplies to make my own canvas, and paint brushes. 

My goal is to raise the quality of the material I use, so that I can start displaying my artwork in higher caliber art galleries in and out of town. 

I knew I needed stand out from the rest of the artists on there asking for donations, so I decided to take a risque' twist in my campaign full of sexual innuendos to make people laugh and smile and hopefully... reach DEEP down into their pockets and donate. 

Follow my progress and donate here: Sexy Artist Needs Helping Hand 
Support the arts and let's make this happen!