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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Art Review by PhoenixAngel

I just got my review in by the fantastic writer and blogger PhoenixAngel!
Her blog is at this link: http://howsthatforesoteric.blogspot.com/

Here's her review :-) ....

Lisa’s art touches me. The images and colors makes me want to create
something myself because her paintings inspire me. One can tell she draws
something directly from her soul, channels this essence into paintbrush and
manifests it to color and Light. Lisa captures those surreal images that we can
only see in dreams: beautiful, haunted or dare I say, scary. Dreams vanish too
quickly from our memories and leave us hanging. We all long to see the dream
once more because it is an intangible piece of our spirit. Lisa has captured
that intangible piece of spirit in her paintings.

Thank you PhoenixAngel!!!!!!